Friday, April 11, 2008

Vowing to...

Become a better blogger!! We'll see how that goes.

So for the updates. Not much. My mom just visited for a week, for Kaya's 3rd birthday, and that was both great and exhausting. I need a vacation from the "vacation". Luckily, we had some really wonderful weather while she was here.

The day before she left, we dug up the front "garden" area and planted pansies and a bleeding heart plant she bought for me at the Olympia Farmer's Market. I *love* bleeding hearts, they remind me of childhood. Kaya helped too. She has little Dora gardening gloves, and a pink plastic trowel and a lavender Dora cultivator. She was quite the helper except she kept filling in the holes my mom had dug. We also put flowers into a big, blue glazed planter that i've had since Okinawa and haven't used yet.

I have so many more plans for the yard area. I can't wait to continue on this project. Green beans and snow peas are going to be planted in the back, as are my pots with herbs. I am still searching for a copper birdfeeder to hang in the tree in the front yard. So far, no luck with the exception of a $70 one I found at Smith and Hawken online. I think not. I don't like birds that much.

I also found the best store for scrapbooking supplies, Ben Franklin crafts up in Bonney Lake. I could have spent hours in there, pouring over all the paper and stamps and other adornments. Too bad my husband and two kids were waiting for me in the car while I "ran in a checked it out for a minute". I think I was in there for a little over a minute. I'll have to really get to it and start this cookbook project i've been wanting to do forever.

That's about all for now. It's spring and i'm happy! A little sunshine in this grey, rainy state will do that!